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beat365唯一官网:[Asian Philosophy]Peng Feng: ‘Betweenness’ and ‘twofoldness’: A cross-cultural interpretation of the aesthetic appreciation of paintings

时间:2023-09-02 阅读次数:


Asian Philosophy

An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East

Volume 33, 2023 - Issue 2


In appreciating paintings, what we experience is either a result of their medium or object, regardless of whether the object is an actual thing, a fictional thing, an internal emotion, an abstract idea, or something else. However, the conceptions of ‘betweenness’ in traditional Chinese aesthetics and ‘twofoldness’ in contemporary Western aesthetics tell us that our experience of paintings might not be simply from the object or the medium itself but rather from a relation between the two. This study considers the intercultural value of the above concepts while examining how our aesthetic pleasure might derive from awareness of the object, the medium, and the play of our mind and body.

KEYWORDS: Betweenness; twofoldness; painting; aesthetic appreciation

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